Tuesday, December 14, 2010

There's always that first step

Here I am, standing on the brink of what, I'm not sure. I've always thought I could at least write my thoughts and that it could be a little entertaining and perhaps theraputic. Now that I've made this decision and am attempting my first "baby" steps, I'm just not sure. So many questions about what I'm doing. Maybe the first is, HOW do I do this? I'm trying to follow the directions, but I've never been that great at following directions, and there's really nobody around to ask in person or, my preference, SHOW me how. Other questions: WHY am I starting a blog? WHO will ever see it? DO I really care if anyone sees it but me? AM I AFRAID someone might actually read it? Let's talk about that one. I am not doing this to prove anything to anyone but myself. I'm not a very courageous person, and frankly, I often overcompensate with humor or some other device so people won't see through me and realize I am shy, really. Oh, and if anyone is reading this, I really don't want one to think I am feeling full of myself or narssisistic or anything like that. In the book, Pilgrim's Progress, which I must confess I've never read in its entirity,there is a character called something like "Little Miss Much Afraid." I think I am she. Much afraid about many things, one of which is revealing the real me. This brings me back to one of the first questions: WHY am I starting a blog? Maybe I have some things to share that will help me walk through my fears and perhaps result in a conversation with others who are walking a similar road. So, as the title suggests, what is the big deal. Well, I've said enough about it for now, so excuse me while I get ready to practice my steps.


  1. I can walk you through it all....give you a hundred helpful hints and probably that many do nots....Number one is write your blog in Live Windows Writer and then draft it to blogger...a hundred times easier...welcome to the Blog World...you will meet the greatest people

  2. I love blogging...best part? You meet so many wonderful people.
    I have never made it through The Pilgrims Progress either.....
